White-black-white film is an excellent product innovated by JH Hortitech which is composed of 3 layers. Compared with black-white film, the third layer white has a good performace to reflect light from greenhouse inside and improve its light conditions.
Advantages brought by white-black-white film
* Two white faces with a middle black layer ensures the longest performing life and highly light reflective both sides.
* 100% film opacity ratings provide maximum control when used as a blackout curtain for your crops.
* Reflects heat and cools better than shade cloth.
* Designed specifically to withstand the wear and tear of either foot traffic or retractable curtain systems, so that crop management control is not reduced in these higher-stress applications.
* High strength at folds means higher resistance to development of punctures and tears. In any film, weaknesses can occur where the polymer strands are bent at a fold. Increased fold strength minimizes performance issues at these key areas.
Differences Between W-B-W & B-W Poly Films